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Eastern Kentucky University
Student Success
Big E Central: Contact Us
Contact Big E Central
Service Reason
Account Hold
Course Registration
Financial Aid/Loans/Scholarships
Make a Payment
Meal Plan
Web-4-Parent Access
Service Details
Course Registration Hold
Hold Release Agreement
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
1098-T Request
Dispute a Charge
Make a Payment
Past Due Balance
Payment Plans
Academic Standing/Suspension
Add/Drop a Course
Major Change
Registration Errors
Federal Direct Loans
Itemized Statement
KHEAA Verification
Private Education Loan
Tuition Discount
Tuition Waiver
Work Study
Refund Amount
Refund Status
Course Registration Holds
A course registration hold may be related to an unpaid account balance. We recommend checking your Billing screen in your
Transact Billing Portal
to ensure that all past due balances are met and/or that the student is enrolled in a current payment plan.
If you are currently enrolled in courses and would like to change your schedule despite this hold, you must complete the
Add/Drop with a Hold Form
If you are not currently enrolled and you are attempting to register for the first time, then you may submit an
HRA Request
to have your future financial aid and charges matched against your previous balance, which may allow you to register and pay your balance from your anticipated refund.
Hold Release Agreement
If you are not currently enrolled and you are attempting to register for the first time, then you may submit an
HRA Request
to have your future financial aid and charges matched against your previous balance, which may allow you to register and pay your balance from your anticipated refund.
You will be unable to access the Hold Release Agreement until all of the prerequisites are met on the HRA request form.
If approved, you will receive an email to acknowledge the conditions of the Hold Release Agreement.
Once signed, your hold will be released on a predetermined date.
Failing to submit past-due payment once your hold has been released will cause you to be administratively removed from your classes.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Many forms of aid are dependent upon meeting
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
. Students must meet certain GPA and PACE requirements as well as earn their degrees within an certain amount of credit hours to remain eligible for Federal Financial Aid. If you fail any of the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards, your options for reinstating your aid are the following:
Submit a
SAP Appeal
including all required documentation. If approved, you must agree to the SAP Conditions to continue receiving aid
Successfully complete enough credit hours to raise your PACE (course completion rate) to 67% and/or GPA to have your financial aid reinstated. Exceeding the maximum timeframe will always require the student to submit an appeal.
1098-T Request
The 1098-T is a tax document sometimes requested by students who had more in tuition charges than they received in scholarships and grants. Accessing your 1098-T can be found in your
Transact Billing Portal
, which is accessible through MyEKU. Please reference the Tax Documents menu.
Dispute a Charge
As students frequently make changes to their billable expenses, such as housing, meal plans, and course enrollments, billing statements can sometimes look overly complicated. We encourage students to use the
Account Summary
available through MyEKU to simplify their view. The
Activity Details
section of the Transact Billing Portal is also a good point of reference for the most current account details. For remaining questions, please feel free to submit them in the contact box below.
Make a Payment
To submit a payment, you'll need to access your
Transact Billing Portal
on MyEKU. If you have not made a direct payment before, you will need to establish your payment method(s) in the My Account menu of this billing screen. Remember that using a credit card will result in a servicer charge but connecting a Bank Account will avoid these fees.
To grant someone else access to make payments on your account, please login to the same
Transact Billing Portal
and visit the same My Account menu. Use the "Send a Payer Invitation" link to your intended recipient.
Past Due Balance
Having a past due balance on as a current student may result in a registration hold and late fees on your account. Current students are encouraged to
enroll in a monthly payment plan
to divide their balance into monthly installments throughout the semester.
Non-current students may have had a past due charge referred to collections. If you have been contacted by a collections agency, then your account must be reviewed by Student Accounting Services. They can be reached at
.edu or called at
(option 2).
Payment Plans
Current students are encouraged to
enroll in a monthly payment plan
to divide their balance into monthly installments throughout the semester. The first payment of these plans becomes due upon setting it up. You can make additional payments for beyond what your payment plan requires and your subsequent bills will be reduced.
Non-current students who intend to avoid a referral to collections may enroll in a non-current student payment plan. These plans are negotiated directly with Student Account Services and can be contacted at
Academic Standing/Suspension
EKU's academic standards are
outlined on in the EKU Catalog
. When students do not meet these standards, they may be subject to Academic Probation of Academic Suspension.
Students on first suspension are required to sit out for one full regular semester (
fall/spring). If there were documented,
catastrophic circumstances beyond the student’s control, University policy allows the student to submit a
Petition for Immediate Readmission
to the Office of the Registrar.
Add/Drop a Course
EKU students can freely add and remove/drop courses before the add/drop deadlines for their specific parts of term as listed on
Colonel's Compass
Students who wish to remove a course after the deadline may be able to "Withdraw." However, withdrawn courses are still considered as attempted credit hours and will not be
refunded to the student.
Students who wish to add a course after the deadline must participate in
the Late Enrollment process
. Approval of late enrollment requests are subject to instructor and departmental approval.
A student may have holds or override requirements that prevents course registration. Please review the hold details carefully or the registration error description.
Major Change
EKU students may request to update their intended major by completing the
Change of Major application
. If you are not yet fully admitted, please contact
with a request to change the major you listed on your admissions application.
Course Override
Some courses may require you to receive an override approval before you are able to register.
Some courses may require more than one type of override
. Review the
registration error
you receive when attempting to register to understand what override(s) you need to receive. Once you know the override requirements, submit the
Override Request
for the appropriate course.
Registration Errors
Students may sometimes encounter difficulties registering for courses. This may happen because of a conflict with University policy or because of a technical limitation.
Please ensure that you are currently eligible to register for courses. This means that you have an open
registration window
and have received your RAC number from your academic advisor.
Once your eligibility is confirmed, please review the
list of definable errors
, which will usually require a course override(s) to correct. If your error is due to a hold, then please review your
account balance
with the University. Finally, your error may be with your
academic standing
. Please review your EKU email to ensure that you are eligible for classes.
For technical errors, please review the
video tutorial
for course registration. We recommend attempting to register from a Windows computer (not a mobile phone or Macbook). You may also attempt to clear your internet cache
Federal Direct Loans
Student loans may be offered to a student based on a completed FAFSA. Annual loan eligibility is determined by a student's classification (eg. Freshmen, Junior, Graduate). If desired, these loans must be
accepted in the students financial aid dashboard
and students must complete the
entrance counseling
master promissory note
requirements on
Federal Direct Loans do not require a co-signer or a credit check. They may be offered as unsubsidized (which are subject to interest accrual while enrolled) or a portion of the total loan eligibility may be offered as subsidized (which avoids interest accrual while enrolled).
Other loan options may be available to students and their families. Student borrows may need to pursue
private education loans
PLUS loan
Itemized Statement
An EKU student may require an itemized statement for a variety of reasons.
The most details account information can be found in the
Account Summary
A student's
billing statement
will also contain information relating to charges, which is updated as a new statement is issued on approximately the 7th of every month.
Some students may be required to submit a letter to an employer that details the specific charges associated with tuition. A
tuition reimbursement letter
can be accessed through MyEKU.
Financial Aid Verification is a process required by some FAFSA submissions. If a FAFSA presents conflicting information, had income and asset information manually submitted rather than using the IRS data connection, or was part of a random quality assurance selection, then additional documentation may be required before it can process.
Look for emails concerning a Verification requirement sent to your official EKU email address. More information can also be found on the
Big E Central portal
Private Education Loan
Many private lenders offer
Private Education Loans
to supplement federal eligibility. Private loans are credit-based loans applied for by the student through individual lenders (any bank of your choice). Many students, particularly undergraduate students, will likely need to find willing, creditworthy individual(s) to cosign their private loan applications to increase the likelihood of being approved and getting the best terms.
Who Should Apply for Private Loans?
Review Private Loan Lenders
Borrowers are free to choose any lender even if they are not on this list.
Neither Eastern Kentucky University nor Big E Central benefits from a borrower’s choice of lender.
EKU offers and facilitates many different scholarship processes, including those offered based on a student's admission, such as
Merit Scholarships and Out of State Tuition Discounts
. Other scholarships may be received from state agencies, such as
KEES Money from KHEAA
. Students may also submit scholarships from third-parties, which usually come as
checks or specified payments
to specific students.
Foundation Scholarships
In addition to these other sources, EKU also has a single annual application that admitted students may use to compete for additional scholarship dollars. Complete the
Foundation Scholarship application
The Foundation Scholarship application becomes available for the upcoming aid year in November and accepts applications through May. The scholarships will usually be awarded over the following summer and become effective on the student account in the Fall.
Tuition Discounts
Corporate Education Partners
EKU has agreements with various employers throughout the Commonwealth and country that may reduce the overall cost of tuition. CEP discounts are identified during the application process. A list of eligible employers is available on our
CEP website
and questions can be sent to
Active Duty Military
Students serving as an Active Duty member of the US Military may receive an active duty discount. This status is received on by a completed FAFSA and additional documentation must be provided.
Tuition Waiver
EKU offers a variety of Tuition Waivers that may apply to EKU employees and their dependents in addition to students who meet special circumstances outlined by the Commonwealth of Kentucky (such as Foster/Adoption waivers). A full list with links to the various applications is available on the
Tuition Waiver website
. A completed FAFSA is required for all tuition waivers at EKU.
Work Study
In addition to grants and loans, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) also calculates a students Federal Work Study (FWS) eligibility. Students who qualify are not offered funds that directly apply to the balance account. Instead, a student accepts this aid and then submits job applications for Federal Work Study funded positions through the
EKU Online Job Site
. Once hired, the student receives these funds in the form of a paycheck. Payment amounts depend on the established payrate and hours worked per week. Please see
How to Apply for Student Jobs
for details.
Refund Amount
Big E Central does not estimate student's refund eligibility. Financial aid refund amounts are determined by the amount of accepted/applied aid compared to the total billed charges. Refund details can be reviewed in the
Transact Billing Portal
under Activity Details. Refunds may issue in multiple disbursements and is subject to the disbursement of the individual sources of aid.
Refund Status
Establishing an electronic refund bank account connection may allow you to receive your funds sooner. If you have one established, you will receive a notice when it is issued from the University. Once that notice has been received, the availability of your funds will be subject to your personal bank's processing time. Please check here if your eRefund has been set up.
If you do not have an eRefund method set up, your refund check will be printed and mailed to your address on file once you receive your refund notice. It may take a few weeks longer for the refund check to be sent via mail. EKU is unable to expedite this process. Please note that any refund sent via check that goes uncashed for 45 days may be canceled and federal funds are to be returned to the Department of Education so we highly encourage you to set up an eRefund connection.
Other Concern
Big E Central supports students as they navigate issues relating to financial aid, billing, and registration. Many different parts of a student's college experience may relate to these areas, but please be aware that some concerns may only be supported by a partner office.
Academic Advising
Big E Central cannot provide RAC numbers or make course recommendations. Each student has an assigned advisor to support their scheduling emails. Find your advisor information listed in
your Degreeworks
| Phone:
Admissions specializes in prospective student information. They can also assist with the application processing and program information.
Student Success:
| Phone:
EKU has many tutoring centers and areas for academic support. The Student Success Center is a great place to start!
Student Life:
| Phone:
Do you have questions about campus events? Concerts? Getting involved? Contact Student Life for information about these areas.
EKU Housing:
| Phone:
Questions about housing requirements and charges are usually handled by the Housing and Residence Life offices.
The FAFSA (Free Applications for Federal Student Aid) is available on
. To complete a FAFSA, the student and the student's "contributor" (i.e. usually a parent/guardian) must provide personal and financial information. Each participant must create log-in credentials known as an FSA ID, and it may require several days to authenticate. also provides
thorough resources and guidance on how to complete the FAFSA
. Until EKU receives a FAFSA transmission, Big E Central will be limited in our ability to help. Technical support for FAFSA will be available by contacting
Students who indicate an unusual circumstance on the FAFSA may be contacted by EKU to provide additional documentation. More information and the corresponding upload forms can be found in the
Big E Central portal
Make a Payment
To submit a payment, you'll need to access your
Transact Billing Portal
on MyEKU. If you have not made a direct payment before, you will need to establish your payment method(s) in the My Account menu of this billing screen. Remember that using a credit card will result in a servicer charge but connecting a Bank Account will avoid these fees.
To grant someone else access to make payments on your account, please login to the same
Transact Billing Portal
and visit the same My Account menu. Use the "Send a Payer Invitation" link to your intended recipient.
Sending an EKU Transcript
Students can order an official transcript through the
National Student Clearinghouse
. Official transcripts are typically required if you are transferring to another school and sometimes required by potential employers. Please note final grades are not reflected on a transcript until after a degree conferral date which is typically the last day of the last month for each semester.
Current students
may also
access an unofficial transcript
anytime through MyEKU.
Submitting a Transcript from another Institution
Students may need to provide EKU with an official transcript from another institution to satisfy specific admissions or financial aid requirement. Official transcripts are also required to add dual credit coursework to a student's academic history. Many colleges and universities participate in the
National Student Clearinghouse
. However, if your institution does not appear as an option, please contact their Registrar or Student Records department directly.
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
(FERPA) only authorized users can be provided student specific information. Students can give authorized access by completing the
Web-4-Parent Proxy Access
. Please follow the steps on the link provided above to complete this access. Please make sure you have a passphrase on the account as this is what we ask for when the proxy contacts us.
Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to use the
EKU Parent Portal
to learn more about parent and family resources. Parents/guardians can also
request proxy access by completing this form
*If a Parent/Guardian loses the proxy access password, the student must remove the proxy access and add it back.
The EKU Admissions office supports prospective students and applicants, and it works closely with students through their orientation. They are your primary resource as you seek to learn more about what it means to become an EKU student.
Submitting a message with this selection will send your response to the Admissions Office for assistance. This office can also be contacted by phone at
Note: Prospective online students should contact the Online Enrollment Team at
Housing/Residence Life
EKU has a dedicated housing unit, which can answer many questions for current and incoming students. They can be reached at
Their website
can also answer many questions about housing options, cost, and Living Learning Communities. The
Housing Portal
also contains important information about housing exemptions and other resources.
Submitting a message with this selection will send your response to the Admissions Office for assistance. You may also contact
for phone support.
Meal Plan
EKU meal plans are managed by the Card Services office. Details about dining options, flex dollars, and more can be found on
their website
. This office also manages the charges related to dining expenses and should serve as a good resource for students.
Submitting a message with this selection will send your response to the Card Services Office for assistance. This office can also be contacted by phone at
Your EKU student email address is the most secure way to authenticate your identity. If you do not have a student email address, then Big E Central may be limited in the information it can provide.
Eastern Kentucky University
521 Lancaster Ave.
Whitlock Building
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-1000
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